联系人:张老师 电话:183 104 727 59 微信:183 104 727 59 QQ号:1487063947 北京各分部: 东城区·西城区·朝阳区 海淀区·丰台区·大兴区 石景山·顺义区·昌平区 房山区18501379007 山区18501379007 山区18501379007 顺 房 |
![]() 北京诚炬会计师事务所(普通合伙)、北京恒浩税务师事务所是经北京市工商行政管理局注册登记的从事审计和鉴证、经济咨询、会计服务、税务服务、内部控制等业务的专业会计服务公司。我们在北京市内及北京各区均有分部,能够及时方便的为您提供服务。 公司的业务范围包括了审计、税务审计、内控、验资、咨询、顾问、服务、税务、工程造价、工商代理、培训等诸多中介服务领域。在我们承接的业务中,我们以独立、客观、公正的态度为客户提供优质而专业的服务,令客户满意是我们永远追求不懈的目标。 Beijing Cheng Ju Certified Public Accounts is registered in Beijing Administration for industry and commerce. It mainly engaged in auditing and verification, economic consulting, accounting service, tax service, Internal control services and other relative businesses. The operations of Cheng Ju Co. Ltd. including auditing, verifying capital, Internal control services, advisory service, tax consulting and planning, project cost , surrogates, training and other medi-services. In our operations, we will provide high quality and professional service for our clients with independent, impersonal and just attitude. Satisfying our clients'demand is the aim we are in pursuit of . Cheng Ju Co. Ltd. owns a lot of CPAs with abundance experience and professional staff. They are equipped with the knowledge of finance, accounting, auditing, taxation, Internal control, management advisory and the professional qualification of certified public accountants, certified public valuations, senior engineer, certified public architects, real estate appraiser. Cheng Ju Co. Ltd. will observe the basic principal of independence, impersonality and justness, insist the operation commission of credit, professional, cooperation and benefit each other. It promises to keep the contract, guarantee the quality and ensure the legal right and the benefit of the client. It is willing to cooperate with the company sincerely and provide them the first-class service. |